Work With Me



...As you look around this website, do you like what you see? I really hope so, because I’m passionate about what I do and I love it when other people share that passion.

For me it’s all about helping people look and feel the best they can, full of vitality and confidence … and if that’s the way you feel about people, then you might be just whom I’m looking for.

Britain is in the grip of an obesity crisis, with 64% of uk adults now classed as overweight or obese* and our local community is literally full of people who would benefit from nutritional advice … but I can’t hope to reach them all myself. So I’m looking for a few people to join me.

The good news is you don’t need previous experience or a background in nutrition, as training and support will be provided.

So, what will you be like? Well, apart from having enthusiasm, patience and a passion for people you’ll also be keen to learn, committed and ready to enjoy the challenge of working hard to achieve a goal and fun loving … does that sound like you?

I can only help train a limited number, so if you’re based in or around London, want to make a difference to your local community, believe in the importance of a healthy active lifestyle and would like an additional income, working hours to suit you, then get in touch.

Call me on 07903 503273 for a chat and to find out a little more. I look forward to your call!


Jo Martin25 Worcester Crescent
Mill Hill, NW7 4LP

07903 503 27307903 503 273

We're Jo Martin, Herbalife distributors based in Mill Hill, UK.

This site shows Herbalife's full range of products. Please have a look around and if you have any questions please give us a call!